Email on Hosting or off hosting

Email on Hosting or off hosting

Website is important but the ability to send and receive emails per your domain is most important. With pretty much all hostings now offering Cpanel including Godaddy, creation of email right in your hosting account is very easy and straightforward.

Possible issues with emails on website Hosting Space

How many of us have seen issues with sending mail and recipient not receiving it and or getting bounce backs telling us that recipient server has rejected our email? Well we have with many of our clients and even with our own managed VPS servers.

You Suffer even when you are not the culprit

With shared hosting this even becomes more problematic and frustrating because 99% of the time it is not you or your websites which are the culprit but someone on that particular shared hosting being the culprit, but since you share the IP, you get the beating.

Now the big question is what to do?

We have many choices when we want to host our emails pretty much like we have with hosting. Almost all hosting providers offer email hosting but in our experience following have proven to be worth mentioning. Again we are in no way affiliated with anyone mentioned below.

  • Google Apps for business: Surprisingly and this we encountered just recently is that their price changes per where you are registering but in most cases it would be $5/user/month or $50 per user per year. You get a lot of goodies like calendar, google sheets, doc, and Drive to name some. 30 GB space offered is quite sufficient and upgrades does not involve any effort of configuration on your part. From reliability point of view, it is 99.99% perfect.
  • Rackspace: Offers both hosted exchange and their proprietary webmail option. They are cheaper than Google but without the goodies and less space. From reliability point of view we will give them 99% and their support is awesome when there are issues. Their management panel is a bit cumbersome and initial configuration straight forward but initially finding the how to not as friendly as one would expect.
  • Godaddy: Reliable and if you have domain with them no configuration needed on your part. Price is comparable but then again no worth mentioning goodies. With Godaddy we have seen that its always customer fault and then somehow the issue mentioned get resolved on its own.

There are a lot of options out there and also your own self hosted email server with Zimbra, VestaCP but covering all will make this boring.  If you have any questions and want to know what best can serve your needs, we would love to hear and will give the most suitable solution per that.

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